Welcome! This web-site is devoted to the great russian
writer Anton Chekhov. Here you can find his stories and plays, biography and photo album. Hope you enjoy this site.
 Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
(17 (29) January 1860 - 2 (15) July 1904)
News and updates:
04.10.16 - Just wanted to tell about site I have found today.
27.05.10 - The Safety Match has been added
19.05.10 - Other stories has been published today: Bliss, The Father of a Family and A Matter of Classics
18.05.10 - More Chekhov's stories are available: The Tutor (1884), A Horsey Name (1885) and The Telephone (1886)
17.05.10 - We have added new Chekhov's stories. A Naughty Boy (1883) and Out of Sorts (1884)
15.12.09 - Event: The International competition of philological, culture and film studies
works dedicated to Anton Chekhov’s life and creative work
10.04.09 - We've changed our hosting provider to
web host
- Web host rankings of best 10 hosts.
08.05.08 - The Cherry Orchard. A Literary Analysis by Veronika Poplavskaya
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